A short film series about stories as we know them, but rarely get to see.
My role: DoP and edit.

Episode 1 out now on mixed feelings cltv. with more to come.

ABOUT: Mommy Issues

In honor of Mother’s day and the ones who are missing their mother, are grieving the mother they never had – those that are doing their best to heal their wounds and finding a mother from within.

“ABOUT: Mommy Issues” is a reflection on unrequited love and imperfection, on the generational trauma that can and will arise with/through motherhood, and on the aftermath of putting yourself first – the acceptance and healing – even if it means letting go of a relationship with your own mother.

“Mommy Issues” is the first episode of “ABOUT:”, an ongoing series born from the need to watch stories as we know them, but rarely get to see. It aims to explore everyday topics through a different lens. It is, at its core, friends coming together to shine light on shared and individual experiences that transcend culture and background.

Director: G.R.H.
Producer: Camila Mahzouni Antilef
Words: G.R.H.
Director of Photography: Joyce Rodriguez
Edit: Joyce Rodriguez and Camila Mahzouni Antilef
Art director & Set design: Isa Sin
Illustration & Animation: Nasra Rashiid and Lena Quach
Sound design: Lena Quach
Colorist: Anders-Pharanyu Myrdahl
Voiceover: Lovisa Sandström
Starring: Michelle Boman and Anna Kim Schweitz

click on picture to watch more on mixed feelings cltv.’s instagram:

joyce andrea

Multi-creator based in Stockholm.